Sliding scale available
*Presently I’m all booked up, email for openings or to be put on waiting list

What I Do
I offer three types of healing modalities.
First I specialize in attachment disorders – anxious, avoidant, and disorganized. I use the Ideal Parent Figure Protocol created by Dan Brown. Essentially, it is a guided meditation that allows you to build a new internal working model of attachment patterns. Using the imagination, all of our developmental needs can be met, creating new relationship patterns. It is throughly backed by science with fantastic results. After each session I provide you with a recording to listen to at your leisure.
I also use part work, popularized by Richard Schwartz and Internal Family Systems. Often we have different “parts” or ego states inside of us, frozen at some developmental level. The trick is to integrate these parts into the here and now healthy adult self.
Read more about the Ideal Parent Figure Protocol.
I offer IEMT or Internal Eye Movement Therapy to clear negative emotional imprints.
Finally I offer DMR (Deep Mind Reframing) DMR is all about getting unstuck – clearing unconscious roadblocks for fast emotional growth
What is Integral Eye Movement Therapy?
IEMT, or Integral Eye Movement Therapy, is similar to EMDR, only more gentle and streamlined. Often, memories and emotional imprints can become stuck, neurologically. Even though it happened in the past, the brain acts as if it were happening in the present, triggering an emotional response.
IEMT involves moving the eyes along different axes whilst gently activating the memory or negative motional state. This process moves the memory or identity imprint to long-term memory so that it is no longer triggers distressful feelings.
The best part is that you don’t have to speak about or relive the event, making this a relatively easy, relaxed experience.
IEMT is particularly effective in dealing with:
- PTSD or any traumatic experiences
- Feelings of guilt, regret and remorse
- Fears and phobias
- Removing negative memories
- Overcoming long term identity issues : ie, “I am unlovable,” a loser, a failure etc
Although massively popular in England and Europe, with 6 month waiting lists, I am one of the few practitioners trained to offer this service in America. This usually takes two sessions, each 60-90 minutes long.
Read more about IEMT here.
Also, please note, although expertly trained by some of the best in the field, I am *not a licensed Therapist. This allows me to work with people world-wide, but also means I am not able to accept insurance.
I do offer a very generous sliding scale for low income clients.
Contact me or use my booking form today for a free consultation to change your life