A Simple Grounding Exercise

When we do the Ideal Parent Figure Meditation it is important that it is embodied, otherwise it will not make a connection to our nervous system. Yes, we are imagining, but what is important is the felt sense of our experience. A good facilitator will keep reminding the client, “notice what that feels like in […]

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What is Ideal Parent Figure Protocol?

The Ideal Parent Figure Protocol is a protocol designed to be used with several other practices to heal attachment wounds created by Daniel Brown and David Elliott. The basic idea is that in the first few years of life we develop an Internal Working Model of relationships that tells us how we are supposed to […]

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What Are the Different Attachment Styles?

Let’s briefly go over all four attachment styles. Secure Secure attachment in the infant–caregiver bond develops largely as a function of consistent maternal responsiveness and contingent matching. In general a person with a secure attachment style is comfortable with closeness, their able to depend on others, and also able to ask for help. Furthermore, secure […]

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What Creates Secure Attachment?

In general there are five primary conditions that promote secure attachment: (1) a sense of felt safety. This is promoted by parents being consistent and reliable, and also their ability to protect the child from danger and threat. (2) a sense of being seen and known. This is promoted by parents being accurately attuned to […]

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What is Attachment Theory?

Attachment theory focuses on the relationships and bonds between people, especially those between a parent and child. This theory suggests that people are born with a need to forge bonds with caregivers as children. These early bonds may continue to have an influence on attachments throughout life. John Bowlby was the first attachment theorist, he […]

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