Using the Ideal Parent Figure Protocol for Triggers

The Ideal Parent Figure Protocol was designed to move people into secure attachment. Basically, in the first years of life, the patterns of how we relate to people are set to a degree. Of course, these patterns can change, especially when any big or traumatic events happen. This is called the Internal Working Model of […]

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Disassociation & Safety during an Ideal Parent Figure Session.

If someone has any Attachment trauma or mental illness, for the Ideal Parent Figure Protocol it’s vital that you work with someone with proper training and experience. I know safety and trust are awfully hard to achieve, so below are a few tips that can help the experience feel more safe, and a short video […]

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The End of Therapy ?

Interview I did with IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) trainer Matt Kendall on the End of Therapy, or at least as how we think of it, and why new modalities are the future for healing. I talk Attachment, Ideal Parent Figure Meditation, Resource Therapy, Rapid Resolution Therapy, how change really happens, and, of course, IEMT. It’s […]

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Change negative thought in the blink of an eye with IEMT
Integral Eye Movement Therapy Effects Measured

I offer Integral Eye Movement Therapy. IEMT works by asking the client to think of a negative memory while they follow my finger moving their eyes in certain patterns. First, it’s important to acknowledge that Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) doesn’t make any claims. It’s a new modality, and people are still doing research on […]

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Can Negative Memories Really be Healed ?

Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) doesn’t make any claims. It’s a new modality, and people are still doing research on it. There are a few studies that are promising, but it’s really not known exactly how it works and exactly what it’s doing. It’s certainly not a miracle cure, and doesn’t work for everyone. One […]

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Why (Most) Therapy Doesn’t Work (and What Does)

Ideal Parent Figure Protocol, Parts work, and other modalities may actually change the original emotional patterns laid down in the brain. As of yet, we don’t have solid studies to say with any certainty. One theory os that by bridging to an original sensitizing event and giving the brain an new experience and expectation this […]

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A (More) Trauma Informed Ideal Parent Figure Protocol for Attachment Repair

The Ideal Parent Figure Protocol is wonderful for repairing attachment wounds. You can read more HERE, but basically by imagining an ideal set of parents giving you a sense of safety, attunement, delight, support, and soothing. This creates a new internal working model that your mind now uses to navigate relationships. It’s important to work […]

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The New EMDR?

Many are calling IEMT, or Eye Movement Therapy, the new EMDR. So, what’s the difference ? First, it’s important to acknowledge that Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) doesn’t make any claims. It’s a new modality, and people are still doing research on it. There are a few studies that are promising, but it’s really not […]

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Integral Eye Movement Therapy for Quick Change?

IEMT, or Integral Eye Movement Therapy, has become quite popular in Europe, some calling it the next evolution in EMDR. First, it’s important to acknowledge that Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) doesn’t make any claims. It’s a new modality, and people are still doing research on it. There are a few studies that are promising, […]

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What Is IEMT?

I also offer IEMT or Internal Eye Movement Therapy to help clear negative emotional imprints, but people are always asking, what is Integral Eye Movement Therapy? Many often say IEMT, or Integral Eye Movement Therapy, is similar to EMDR, only more gentle and streamlined. First, it’s important to acknowledge that Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) […]

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